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Tuesday, 4th November 2003

The Residential Institutions Redress Board notes that in commenting on certain procedures of the Board sections of the media have identified applicants by name.

Further, in some cases the name of the institution in which the applicant claimed to have been abused has been published.


The Board welcomes scrutiny of its decisions and criticism of its actions but those involved in this process are obliged to structure their reports and comments without identifying any party covered by the provisions of Section 28(6) of the Residential Institutions Redress Act 2002. This section provides;


A person shall not publish any information concerning an application or an award made under this Act that refers to any other person (including the applicant), relevant person or institution by name or which could reasonably lead to the identification of any other person (including the applicant), a relevant person or an institution referred to in an application made under this Act.'


End of Statement

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